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When I tell people that I am an energy healing practitioner who releases the negative energy of the emotional baggage they’ve been carrying for years, they say ‘WOW - that’s me - you’d have a field day!’ And when I explain that a Trapped Emotion is a ball of unprocessed negative energy stored in the body they say, ‘I’ll definitely have hundreds of those!’

It’s always funny, but in fact, it’s very true. Most adults bodies are packed full of this old energy and at age 45 when I first learnt about this amazing healing technique I had a strong feeling that Trapped Emotions were causing me a ‘delightful’ array of problems, but I didn‘t quite realise the amazing power I had within me, literally at my fingertips, and how it would completely transform me. As humans, that power is within all of us, but some of us were born to share it and help as many people as we can - I believe that’s me!

I’ve explained as concisely as possible in my Emotion Code introduction how the healing works, what Trapped Emotions are, how they cluster in the body and what kind of trouble they cause, but obviously the best way to learn in detail and understand the brilliance of your own energy is to give it a go, begin the adventure and book a session with me.

My lovely ginger scruffy dog Herbie and I soaking up our favourite kind of energy - solar!Herbie had 6 Trapped Emotions. Yes, it’s possible to release negative energies from our pets too! I prefer working with humans, but if a pet has experienced a trauma or is showing signs of unwanted behaviours that may well set in, then I’d be happy to check your pet for Trapped Emotions too.

My lovely ginger scruffy dog Herbie and I soaking up our favourite kind of energy - solar!

Herbie had 6 Trapped Emotions. Yes, it’s possible to release negative energies from our pets too! I prefer working with humans, but if a pet has experienced a trauma or is showing signs of unwanted behaviours that may well set in, then I’d be happy to check your pet for Trapped Emotions too.


My clients are always captivated by what their subconscious minds choose to offer up during a session and at how it really stikes them, especially as an experienced individual, how an event may have generated a particular emotion they never realised at the time. But, if like me, you like examples, plus a good story about overcoming adversity in the throes of intense emotional pain, healing a catalogue of chronic physical pain and opening a heart that would unfold to create new life, full of joy and connection, moving from a life held back to a life of purpose, possibility and integrity, then here’s how Trapped Emotions affected me and how I healed myself...

Like you probably are, I was intruiged by the idea that I probably had a Heart-wall. There was only one way to find out - I asked my inner self the question ‘Do I have a Heart-wall?’ and of course the answer from my subconscious mind was a YES! There were 17 Trapped Emotions in that barrier of negative energy around my heart. All put there by my subconscious mind in order to protect my heart from damage and that had built up slowly over my life - shockingly, the first one being an inherited emotion of Hatred, passed down by my Great Grandfather. Another was absorbed from my Mum in the womb and the rest were my own - collected throughout my life, some more significant than others, with the last few relating to my struggles at the time.

As I released the Trapped Emotions one by one I felt the most beautiful feeling of space and light within my chest, like energy was literally radiating out from within me and I could breathe more deeply than I had ever been able to in my whole life! Heart-walls can often cause pain in the shoulders and neck area, which with mine I had always put down to working late at my computer, plus I also used to have rather rounded shoulders or what you might call bad posture. But after releasing my Heart-wall the physical effect was almost immediate with my body now aligning with ease. A close friend was astounded at the visible difference!

As an added bonus releasing my Heart-wall also eliminated the heart palpitations I had experienced on a daily basis for more than twenty years and what a heart specialist had told me, (when I got really worried), was nothing serious and called Ectopic Beats, a condition millions of people have and you can do nothing about.

As I also mentioned, at the beginning of my Emotion Code journey, I was going through a very difficult time, churning yet more intense emotion, with conflict, heartache, worthlessness and fear a daily diet. Releasing my Heart-wall undoubtedly helped me deal with this and move through the trauma with a new perspective, helping to transform the worst year of my life into the best and as a result transforming myself.

I then decided to shift the focus on to my lower back, as I had had terrible back trouble since my late thirties and had been struck down with the incredible pain of a bulging disk, living with the constant worry of it going again, despite my efforts with Pilates. Wow - there were 30 Trapped Emotions in my lower back alone and although my pain was low at the time, it soon became apparent that it was fully healed! An intensive house cleaning day, or some heavy lifting no longer sets off a two week stint of horrendous pain, stiffness and of course worry.

I then moved through my body, clearing negative energy from all manner of life events that had clustered in various places. I also asked my subconscious targeted questions about difficult situations that I remembered and thought that there must be some energy left over from - you can be very specific, clearing away and maintaining your energy before you become aware of any physical effects. Chinese medicine is preventative rather than reactive and the Emotion Code can be too - it makes perfect sense! Why wait until you get struck down?

Whilst doing all this transformative work on myself, I was of course thinking of all the family, friends and community members I could help and heal with my new found passion, which led me on to study for my certification. This website is the next leg of that adventure and I really look forward to helping you.

As a fully trained and licensed Emotion Code Practitioner, it is my joy to guide you intuitively on an enlightening exploration into your subconscious mind and help you to create a healthy future for your body and mind.